Sunday, February 6, 2011

Blizzard 2011

WELL, as most of you Mid-Westerns know we experienced a BLIZZARD a couple of days ago. This was my first blizzard I have experienced in my life. It was not as eventful as I expected. Although Missouri Valley College CLOSED for 3 consectutive days making MVC history (which I was glad to be a part of...LOL). And, I was litterally stuck at home for 3 days, Matt plowed snow for 4 consectutive days with like 4 hours of sleep in a 96 hour span.....Other then that it was pretty boring for me.

However, I came to the conclusion that I will never be able to be a "stay-at-home" mom, the LMN (Lifetime Movie Network) only plays movies about people killing other people or pregnant teens, and that Chocolate Milk is excellent with Kahula.

I was also pretty proud of myself because I shoveled a sidewalk for the first time In my snow shoveling experience I realzied Mocha has no sense of perception on the depth of snow....nor does she realize that snow drifts are not something you can stand on top of (you will sink right down and get stuck). She fell off the side of the porch into a 3 foot snow pile ( I thought she was dead). Also, she wouldn't poop in the snow cause when she squat her butt touched the snow and she didn't like it, so during the blizzard I had to shovel a path in the lawn so she could poop

Here are some pictures of our adventures of THE BLIZZARD OF 2011.

Mocha when she fell off the NOT HAPPY!

The walk-way the 3rd time I shoveled it!

PS. and yes if you are obsevant you have realized I am posting this blog and not paying a bit of attention to the super bowl......well, I am pausing for the commericals, but my super bowl perdiction is that the Packers are going to win! I'm not saying that cause I like them, I really don't care who wins, but since my grandma liked the Packers, and I'm pretty sure she is routing for them up in the clouds right now, so that is why I know the Packers are going to win the super bowl.....current score and time: 2nd Quarter 1:49 (Steelers-3 Packers-21)....GO PACKERS!

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